My Journey

Every journey begins with a single step, and mine started in the hustle and bustle of New York City, a place where the unexpected becomes the everyday. Growing up in an environment where caring for others was not just an act but a necessity, I found my calling early in life. However, it wasn't until my children grew up and flew the nest that I truly began to explore what Cindy, the individual, was all about. This exploration led me to the nonprofit sector, where I dedicated over 15 years to helping those in need, especially focusing on single moms and homeless veterans.

With every story of giving, there comes a point where one must also learn to receive. The world of healing and wellness beckoned, not as a career change but as a call to a deeper understanding of self and others. My introduction to vibrational sound therapy and somatic work was serendipitous. Attending a sound bath session opened my eyes to the power of healing frequencies and the profound impact they can have on the human spirit. It was a revelation that our bodies and minds are not just connected but deeply intertwined, each influencing the other in ways we're only beginning to understand.

The transition from serving in a nonprofit capacity to focusing on individual healing was a gradual realization that I could channel my lifelong empathy and caregiving into a more direct form of healing. This realization came from my own experiences with talk therapy, where I found my voice and learned the importance of listening not just to words but to the unspoken language of the body.

As I delved deeper into the realms of vibrational sound therapy and somatic work, I uncovered layers of myself that had been waiting to be acknowledged. My journey, filled with its own share of struggles and triumphs, has taught me that healing is not about fixing what's broken but about recognizing and nurturing what is whole within us. It's about holding space for others to discover their paths to wellness, guided by the gentle, resonant power of sound and the transformative touch of somatic therapy. 

My work is not only a profession; it's a calling—a calling to assist others in finding balance, peace, and, ultimately, healing. If my story resonates with you, I invite you to join me on this journey of discovery and transformation. 


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